Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 20th 1999

On April 20th, 1999 the worst school shooting took place at, Columbine High School. It is known as...

                     Columbine Massacre.

On April 20, 1999, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado during the middle of the school day. The boys killed twelve students and one teacher before killing themselves.

So instead of Celebrating Weed Day, Lets take a moment of silence for the ones who lost their lives in the Columbine Massacre. 12 year Anniversey.

World War II...WHAT?

World War II. I know nothing.  All I know that Hitler was a bad man that killed a lot of people. Im have nothing that I will be able to contribute to this unit. This is should be intresting.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Time at FAIR.

I have been at FAIR for a month and half now. I love it. I love how we get to use computers all day long. I actually have friends. Most of the teachers are awesome, others you just need to keep your distance.
I would love to change the no leave policy for lunch. Why can't high schools go get lunch in the skyways? We are old enough and smart enough to get back on time. Lunch should also be longer to accommodate this. I think I am doing best in World History, just because its interesting and not so boring. I am struggling with Geometry. I have always sucked at math. Its just so... boring and has NO interest to me what so ever. I don't want to sit down with a tutor but that looks like where its headed. For 4th quarter I am going to try to be in school more often and turn all my homework on time.  This is my last post for 3rd quarter. PEACE OUT. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Detroit loses 25% of population.

Detroit could probably use another Eminem boost following Tuesday's news that it lost 25% of its residents from 2000 to 2010. Eminem did a car commercial for Chrysler and at the end he said, "This is the motor city and this is what we do." This as taken a whole new meaning. Detroit as gone back in time, they are back 1910 when the population was also 713,777. 
Eminem is my favorite musical artist in the entire world. He is amazing and he loves Detroit. This article means a to me because it just shows the Eminem does have a heart. 
I listen to him at school practically every second. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Crusades Article

The main point of this article was to talk about President Bush using the word crusade in describing the 9/11 attacks. This word is only really know to jews and Christians. When bush used it he regretted the usage of the word.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan's death toll climbs to nearly 7,000

Japanese paused at the one-week mark following the monster earthquake and ensuing tsunami as the death toll continued its steady climb to 6,911, the National Police Agency reported. Another 10,316 people are missing. Its a scary thought that thousands of people are slowing dying and only a few will be saved. This as taken our world by storm. Its just like the muslims and the crusaders. This tsunami and earthquake was the crusaders and Japan was muslims. This is effecting everyone, all the death, terror, tragedy. Even if you don't know anything about Japan this effects anyone who as feelings. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lets Pray for Japan

Japan 's devastating earthquake and deepening nuclear crisis could result in losses of up to $200 billion for the world's third largest economy but the global impact remains hard to gauge five days after a massive tsunami battered the northeast coast.
Japan has been hit hard, and even though that they have alot of money, that money is not going to save them from falling rubble and rising water. So, lets pray for Japan. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lay off Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Sheen. A man with many talents, and a big mouth. A man that HAD a drug problem, I will admit that, but he is fixing it. People are only freaking out because he talks openly about his drug use. At least he is honest and doesn't blow it over like most people. And so what if he has 2 girl friends? How bout that show sister wives on TLC? That man has 5 WIVES! Nobody freaked out about that. Charlie is a good guy that loves his kids, but also loves to party. SO... in conclusion.... LAY OFF CHARLIE SHEEN!

Gas prices continue climb, up 34 cents in 13 days

Gas prices continued to rise Monday, driven higher for nearly two weeks straight by the turmoil in Libya, with analysts expecting prices to keep climbing.
This effects me because I have to drive all the way from Minnetonka everyday to Minneapolis everyday to get to school. This mean's more money spent on gas and less on food, clothes, and other essentials. We drive a crossover and it only gets 14 miles per gallons. So its no hybrid. We go to the pump at least 2-3 times a week. 
This effects what we are learning because we are learning about other countries effect ours, so here is an example. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Islamic Art

Helmet: It looks like a mini palace or a fancy house. It has cool designs all over it. It looks like calligraphy. I think is showing that anyone wearing this helmet is in charge. I say this because it looks like a house and if you are the head of the house you are in charge.  Its a beautiful piece. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Catholic Gay Priest No longer Welcome.

Chestnut Hill College, a Roman Catholic institution in Philadelphia, last week told a gay priest who had been a popular adjunct there for several semesters that he was no longer welcome to teach the two religion courses he had been offered for the term starting this week. The college acted shortly after a Philadelphia man sent a letter to the archdiocese complaining that Chestnut Hill was employing Rev. James St. George, the gay priest.  Rev. James had no problem confirming that he was gay and his life long partner was his faith. Sadly Rev. James was fired. 
This effects me because I hate homophobes. They don't have any right to butt into someone's personal life, unless they were previously involved. I support gay marriage fully and never questioned it. I understand that people reading this might think differently and have different opinions on this topic. The world is can be a little over reactive when it comes to this stuff. The priest was committed to being a priest, he was not even involved with someone has it said above. There is just a lot of messed up people.  
We are learning about different kinds of religion in World History right now and this just shows that there are many different religions and they are all different. 
I changed my background to show that i support this Priest. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPad 2. Catching up.

The Apple iPad was ahead in the tablet race, but now they are starting to fall behind. Tablets now have cameras on back and front. Mostly for video chatting. You can also take pictures. Apple is releasing its new iPad 2, it will be thinner, lighter, and have a camera on the front for video chatting. It will weigh 1.5 pounds and will have a faster processor. It will have a high resolution screen like the iphone 4.  Rumors state that the iPad will come in white.  Fancy.
The iPad could change the way we learn in school. We could use the camera in media arts and edit the pictures right when we took them. We could all just use the iPad instead of caring around a computer. It would be lighter, and easier for people that have to walk home. It would also save a lot of paper, like our computers do already.
In class we are learning about the world and all the changes happing around us. Everything is either collapsing or getting better. Its all a very delicate process. Technology could change the world, or ruin it.

For me its just showing that "The world is never finished, we always have to keep upgrading." -Morgan Chapman. Everything will just get smaller and lighter and easier to use until _______________. You can fill that part in. We use apple products in school and maybe someday instead of computers we will all have iPads.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Kryptonite

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are drawing, making videos, taking pictures, knowing everything about Wolverine, being a comic book junkie, and music. My kryptonite is really anything involving studying, lectures, and reading. I not a fan of books. Unless they are Comics.

Goals Are Cool!

Goals are good to have for you do not get off track. Well thats what everyone tells you, maybe you want goals to be cool and thats OK too. Here are my goals,
1.) To have my work in a art show
2.) To go to an Eminem Concert.
I guess i should have a learning one.....
3.) To pass my classes.

Hey World!

Heylo world, I would like to introduce my self, my name is Morgan and this is Nagrom's Words. If you have not figured it out, Nagrom is Morgan backwards. Pretty awesome. I know, relax the shock will wear off. I think Wolverine is the coolest thing on earth. As you can see on your left, he his a bad ass. I am new at the Fair School, I joined a week ago and its pretty awesome so far. Well to recap, My name is Morgan and a fun fact about me is that I think Wolverine is the bomb.